Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Touchy subject

Before you turn me off...this is not a post about skirts vs pants or splits in skirts or open toed shoes.  There is already enough of that .  Let's look at what is on the inside. 

Where does modesty come from?  Can it be set forth in a handbook?  Will wearing enough fabric and layers of clothing make you a modest woman?  Not hardly.  I have seen women dressed to meet all the "rules" who were were sensual in their attitude and behavior.  Why do females feel the need to dress like trash and throw themselves at the male gender?  There is something inside them that is longing for validation that only God can give.  Having healthy male realtionships at home and church will help, too.

If you are dressed in such a way that a person's eyes are drawn away from your face and eyes, maybe you should ponder why you want to dress that way.  How are you ever going to talk to someone about Jesus if they are focused on your body?  I'm not for building un-necessary fences and writing more rules.  I am for an attitude of modesty that will manifest itself in the way we dress.  

The quote below was shared by a good friend of mine, Evangeline.  Click on the first word to see the full text of a very informative article from a Jewish perspective on modesty.

"Tzniut means deeply knowing who you are. It's an internal self-definition that frees you from any need to flaunt yourself physically," Manolson explains. "Women who possess tzniut have their physical privacy protected; they are simply not on display for ogling or judgment by the public's critical eye. The beauty industry feeds off women's insecurities, so the biggest enemy to that industry is a woman who has a healthy soul image and who carries herself with modesty."

Last, a quote Elise shared with me from Max Lucado: 
A woman's heart should be so hidden in God 
that a man has to seek Him just to find her. 


Mandy said...

Excellent points Shar!!! Our heart is what is really at the heart of the matter!

http://www.tznius.com/ They actually have some really cute things! :)

Bianca said...

I totally agree with everything that you said...now if you were just a preacher;) And thank you for the "memory" on FB. You helped change the rest of my life! I could not tell you thank you enough! Love you

The Arender's said...

This was so good Shar. I personally feel like I the Lord has taught me alot about modesty in the last few years especially. I have learned that has SO much to do with the attitude of our hearts, not just the way we dress and comb our hair. Thank you for sharing this. Would love to see you sometime. Heidi E. and I have talked about trying to meet you and Natalie in Joplin sometime. We need to try to arrange it ;-)

Keith and Crystal said...

Great post, Shar. I couldn't agree more!!!

REJunod said...

Thanks for sharing. My thoughts have been similar here lately. So good to know that others think and feel the same.

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